

Hello, I am María Paula Caldas 👋

I am an economist, currently working as a consultant at Deloitte. My work involves a healthy mix of economics, data analysis and data visualization.

For one of my cooler projects, I got to explore the highcharter package. My goal today is to introduce you to the package and to share with you some of the lessons I learned.

Please don't hesitate to ask questions 🙋

Interactive visualizations

Interactive vs static visualisations

Packages for interactive visualizations

Most R packages for interactive data visualizations are powered by htmlwidgets: a R package that provides a framework for creating R bindings to JavaScript libraries.

Here are some of the packages you may have heard about:

  • plotly
  • DiagrammeR
  • leaflet
  • networkD3
  • highcharter

Highcharts & highcharter

highcharter is a R wrapper for the Highcharts JavaScript charting library and its modules.

Some of the nice features of the package include:

  • hchart() function
  • Layering syntax + use of magrittr pipes (%>%)
  • 10+ built-in themes
  • Support for Highstock and Highmaps charts
  • Implementation of other Highcharts plug-ins

Please keep in mind that Highcharts is a software product that is not free for commercial and Governmental use.

Building charts with highcharter

highcharter vs ggplot2

  • Both allow you to create highly customizable visualizations
  • Both build plots by layers
    • ggplot2 with +
    • highcharter with %>%
  • ggplot2 is useful both for exploration and presentation
  • highcharter is better suited for dynamic visualizations in Shiny or RMarkdown documents
  • You can access the majority of the documentation for ggplot2 directly via R/R Studio, you will have to look through the Highcharts API for details on function parameters
    • Joshua Kunst (package maintainer) more than makes up for this with his detailed package website, vignettes and blog posts

How do you start a plot?

There are two ways to start a plot:

  • hchart(), similarly to ggplot2's qplot(), is meant for making quick charts with minimal information from the user
  • highcharter() followed by either one of two functions:
    • hc_add_series()
    • hc_add_series_list()
  • Both hchart() and hc_add_series() accept an aesthetic mapping function à la ggplot2: hcaes()

An example

I am going to recreate a plot that appeared in one of FiveThirtyEight's articles: Comic Books Are Still Made By Men, For Men And About Men. The data are available at Github.

Here is a glimpse of the data that we will use in the next charts:

## # A tibble: 64 x 5
##    comic  year               sex     n share_gender
##    <chr> <int>             <chr> <int>        <dbl>
##  1    DC  1980 Female Characters    10         27.8
##  2    DC  1981 Female Characters    31         26.1
##  3    DC  1982 Female Characters    31         27.9
##  4    DC  1983 Female Characters    53         32.9
##  5    DC  1984 Female Characters    40         28.4
##  6    DC  1985 Female Characters    39         33.9
##  7    DC  1986 Female Characters    37         28.0
##  8    DC  1987 Female Characters    87         34.3
##  9    DC  1988 Female Characters    88         30.8
## 10    DC  1989 Female Characters   103         38.7
## # ... with 54 more rows


hc1 <- hchart(
  hcaes(x = year, y = share_gender, group = comic), 
  color = c("#518cca", "#e23636")
  ) %>% 
  hc_title(text = "Comics Aren't Gaining Many Female Characters") %>% 
  hc_subtitle(text = "Percentage of new characters who are female") %>% 
  hc_xAxis(title = list(text = "")) %>% 
    title  = list(text = ""), 
    labels = list(format = "{value} %")
  ) %>% 
    pointFormat = "{series.name}: <b>{point.y}</b><br/>", 
    shared = TRUE,
    valueSuffix = " %", 
    crosshairs = TRUE
  ) %>% 



hc2 <- highchart() %>% 
    data = new_fem_per_year, 
    type = "line", 
    hcaes(x = year, y = share_gender, group = comic),
    color = c("#518cca", "#e23636"),
    marker = list(enabled = FALSE) # not needed in hchart()
  ) %>% 
  hc_title(text = "Comics Aren't Gaining Many Female Characters") %>% 
  hc_subtitle(text = "Percentage of new characters who are female") %>% 
  hc_xAxis(title = list(text = "")) %>% 
    title  = list(text = ""), 
    labels = list(format = "{value} %")
    ) %>% 
    pointFormat = "{series.name}: <b>{point.y}</b><br/>", 
    shared = TRUE,
    valueSuffix = " %", 
    crosshairs = TRUE
  ) %>% 


Chart types

Style options


Options that modify the graphical parameters of the plot start with hc_. For example:

  • hc_title()
  • hc_xAxis()
  • hc_tooltip()

Style options


The parameters inside the hc_ function family are also defined in the API.

Note that some options may have additional sub-options. To set these, you will have to used named lists

  title  = list(text = ""), 
  labels = list(format = "{value} %")


The tooltip

  • The tooltip is a great way of conveying secondary information in your graphs.
  • The function tooltip_table() helps you make quick HTML tables that can be passed to the pointFormat argument of hc_tooltip()

Here is an example of the tooltip I created for the following chart. I named this object tltip

left <- c("heart_eyes", "neutral_face", "sob") %>% map_chr(emo::ji) 
right <- sprintf("{point.%s}", c("JOY", "MEH", "DESPAIR"))

tltip <- tooltip_table(left, right)

hc3 <- hchart(
  hcaes(x = candy, y = net_feelies),
  threshold = 0,
  color = "orange",
  negativeColor = "black",
  marker = list(enabled = FALSE)
  ) %>% 
  hc_chart(inverted = TRUE) %>% 
    title = list(text = ""), 
    opposite = TRUE, 
    tickLength = 0
    ) %>% 
    title = list(text = "Net feelies = Joy - Despair")
    ) %>% 
  hc_tooltip(useHTML = TRUE, pointFormat = tltip) %>% 
  hc_title(text = "Halloween Candy Hierarchy", align = "left") %>% 
    enabled = TRUE,
    href = "https://www.scq.ubc.ca/so-much-candy-data-seriously/"
  ) %>% 




Not automatically possible like in ggplot2, but you can get around it using purrr::map() and hw_grid().

Here's another example using FiveThirtyEight's data.

## List of 2
##  $ DC    :Classes 'tbl_df', 'tbl' and 'data.frame':  73 obs. of  5 variables:
##   ..$ comic  : chr [1:73] "DC" "DC" "DC" "DC" ...
##   ..$ year   : Factor w/ 73 levels "1939","1940",..: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ...
##   ..$ n      : int [1:73] 18 64 61 52 14 15 7 9 20 20 ...
##   ..$ couleur: chr [1:73] "#518cca" "#518cca" "#518cca" "#518cca" ...
##   ..$ titre  : chr [1:73] "DC, New Earth continuity" "DC, New Earth continuity" "DC, New Earth continuity" "DC, New Earth continuity" ...
##  $ Marvel:Classes 'tbl_df', 'tbl' and 'data.frame':  73 obs. of  5 variables:
##   ..$ comic  : chr [1:73] "Marvel" "Marvel" "Marvel" "Marvel" ...
##   ..$ year   : Factor w/ 73 levels "1939","1940",..: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ...
##   ..$ n      : int [1:73] 69 221 207 244 198 134 97 90 72 116 ...
##   ..$ couleur: chr [1:73] "#e23636" "#e23636" "#e23636" "#e23636" ...
##   ..$ titre  : chr [1:73] "Marvel, Earth-616 continuity" "Marvel, Earth-616 continuity" "Marvel, Earth-616 continuity" "Marvel, Earth-616 continuity" ...

make_bars <- function(p){
  tltip <- tooltip_table("Characters", "{point.n}")
  couleur <- unique(p$couleur)
  titre   <- unique(p$titre)
    hcaes(x = year, y = n), 
    showInLegend = FALSE, 
    color = couleur
    ) %>% 
    hc_add_theme(hc_theme_538()) %>% 
    hc_yAxis(title = list(text = ""), max = 560) %>% 
    hc_xAxis(title = list(text = "")) %>% 
    hc_title(text = titre) %>% 
    hc_tooltip(useHTML = TRUE, pointFormat = tltip)

hc4 <- new_char_per_year %>% 
  map(make_bars) %>% 
  hw_grid(ncol = 2, rowheight = 400) %>% 


Other resources

Useful links

Thank you!

Any questions?